HelpMe™ - Retail Modules THE NEED ... Few users take the time to study manuals. As a result important program features and benefits are overlooked, or worse, never used. HelpMe was created to instantly provide an easily understood tutorial/reference bridge between program and user. Once loaded, HelpMe makes each user self sufficient, virtually eliminating the need for printed instructional/reference materials. THE PRODUCT ... HelpMe™ is a fully integrated and indexed reference system. When installed, HelpMe is automatically activated and completely ‘On-Line.’ Unlike standard On-Line help which deals only with selected items, HelpMe is a complete On-Line manual containing hundreds of easily understood, How-To illustrations and animations. Further, HelpMe’s assistance, unlike standard On-Line help, remains consistent from application to application. HOW HelpMe™ WORKS ... When called upon, HelpMe allows the user instant access to a completely indexed, glossaried, animated, printable, manual/tutorial. This all happens while the user's applications and documents remain active in the background. With the answer to the problem in hand, the user exits HelpMe, returns to the waiting document, applies the new knowledge, and resumes work.. “JUST IN TIME” ... Rather than being barraged with soon forgotten features from cassette, videotaped or even live training sessions, at the click of a button HelpMe allows users to selectively obtain answers to their questions at the exact time they need answers. Further, the same material can be brought forward repeatedly until full understanding occurs. BUBBLE HELP™ - WITH ANIMATIONS ... In addition to providing a complete on-line reference manual, HelpMe also offers compatibility with Bubble Help™, a unique means of highlighting and dramatizing instant animated help for individual on-screen items such as windows, menus, buttons, checboxes etc. HelpMe & Bubble Help™ are completely compatible with System 6 and System 7 applications. Additional Information... Available HelpModules - T/Maker's WriteNow 2.2 $39.95 (Demo for $5) • Over 350 graphic examples • 16 movies covering 36 topics • Free upgrade to version 3.0 HelpModule for WriteNow 3.0 Future HelpModules - Claris FileMaker Pro, MacWrite Pro, MacDraw Pro - Microsoft Word 5.0, Excel 3.0, Works 2.0 - Aldus PageMaker 4.0 - Intuit Quicken 3.0 - WordPerfect Word Perfect - Quark XPress ****Note - If you are interested in authoring a HelpModule for ANY commercially available product please give us a call at 213-546-5837. We will be pleased to discuss any arrangement!